A Cyber Magazine for Those Who Think
Vol.3 No. 13


The tsunami wave that lashed several Indian Ocean countries has taken a toll of over a hundred thousand people. The magnitude of the disaster has shocked the whole world. Many countries have rushed to offer humanitarian aid. Scientists are proposing improving detection technologies to decrease casualties in future calamities.

Natural calamities are a display of an awesome power immensely and fearfully greater than the human. They jolt us out of our complacent routines and force us to think about the supernatural: Why do such natural disasters occur? How should we respond to them? Can we do anything to prevent their recurrence? Does God exist? If He does, why does He not stop such calamities?


All the great spiritual and religious traditions of the world warn us that we are answerable to God for all our actions. The Vedic texts of ancient India give the most cogent and coherent understanding of this system of cosmic accountability. Known as the law of karma, this universal, infallible law of action-reaction gives all of us our due pleasures and pains as per our actions, right or wrong. The Vedic texts therefore contain prescriptions and proscriptions to guide us in our actions. Anyone who violates these injunctions has only himself to blame when the consequences come upon him.

To some extent we can ourselves see how the law of karma chastises transgressors. Lung and other respiratory disorders penalize smokers; liver diseases afflict alcoholics; and AIDS and other STDs punish illicit sex-mongers. We may not be able to trace the causes of all the sufferings of everyone, but humility will allow us to admit the limitations of our vision. We do not and can not know about the karmic deeds and misdeeds of others – or even ourselves - in past lives. Even in this life, we cannot fully know everything that everyone – or anyone - has done. The Vedic texts give us a thorough philosophical understanding of the inherent goodness of God as our Supreme Father and the infallible benevolent nature of His jurisprudence. Therefore they assure us that anyone suffering in any way is reaping what he has himself sown earlier.


Two activities declared to be monstrously criminal in the cosmic penal system, but which are rampant in our society are animal slaughter and abortion. From God’s viewpoint, these two activities are bestial; His more powerful children – humans - are ruthlessly and systematically slaughtering His weaker and helpless children – animals and infants. And the only actual reason for this ghastly massacre is the selfish hedonistic desire for the enjoyment of the tongue and the genitals. Especially despicable is the slaughter of cows. The cow is like our mother because she nourishes us with her milk. And we “scientifically advanced cultured moderns” erect factories of death to murder our bovine mothers. Not only that, modern human mothers, who according to poets are “the embodiments of selfless love”, murder their own children even before they have seen the light of the day. Thus we live in a civilization (‘devilization’ is a better word) of murderers.

Of course we have invented shrewd justifications to rationalize (rational lies) our misdeeds. A few of them with their refutations are:

A murderer may declare that there is nothing wrong in his murder, but the law of the state will still punish him. Similarly we may justify or even legalize abortion and animal slaughter, but the law of karma is not going to change as per our intellectual whimsies.

Statistics show the horrendous massacre that we cause everyday.

Total cattle slaughtered in 2004 = 16500000 == 44657 /day
Total annual abortions worldwide = 46 million abortions == 126027 /day.

Thus the toll of life that we take daily using our human technology (170684) is far more than the toll of human life that the divine technology of the tsunami took. So in a karmic sense we deserve far more, which of course will come in due course of time. Therefore the tsunami disaster is not divine retribution; it is karmic justice.


At this point, some diehard skeptics and atheists may snort, “Come on, this is just a sentimental, sectarian unproven belief.”

Then are we to consider eminent thinkers throughout history – Leonardo Da Vinci, Pythagoras, Albert Einstein, Leo Tolstoy, George Bernard Shaw, Mahatma Gandhi, Benjamin Franklin, Henry David Thoreau, J H Kellogg and Adam Smith - to be sentimental fools? For they have all warned humanity to desist from animal slaughter. Consider for example the poignant remark of Pythagoras, “As long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seeds of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love.”

Also the materialistic idea that nature works by chance is as much a matter of faith as the spiritual idea that nature works under God’s control. Modern reductionistic science has not proven, but presumed a priori, the non-existence of God and His system of karmic justice.

But are we to accept karma on faith? Or is there any empirical way to validate it? The Vedic scriptures explain that karmic punishment comes upon humanity in the form of three types of miseries called the tri-vidha tapa. If the theory of karma were true, then these miseries should have increased over the last century in which karmic misdeeds have multiplied manifold.

The three types of miseries along with their status over the last century are:

Miseries caused by our own bodies and minds (adhyatmika-klesha): e.g. fever, indigestion, stress, depression
We have eradicated some diseases, but many more incurable, debilitating and excruciatingly painful diseases – AIDS, syphilis, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, to name a few - have come up. And the mind is ravaging the human race like never before in recorded human history. Psychological and psychosomatic disorders leading to stress, depression, insanity, addictions and suicides are causing havoc in the lives of practically everyone - even so-called successful people

Miseries caused by other living beings (adhibhautika-klesha): e.g. mosquitoes, competitors, superiors, relatives
Rivalry, envy, hatred, bigotry, criminality, violence, murder and terrorism are tormenting us more than ever before. Human relationships have hit an all-time low. We proud moderns are unable to trust our own spouses, parents or children.  Divorces are destroying the family, the basic building block of stable society.

Miseries caused by higher natural powers (adhidaivika-klesha): e.g. Extreme heat or cold, floods, storms
Over the last century natural calamities have been increasing in both their frequency and ferocity. According to the International Society for Disaster Reduction (ISDR), there were three times as many great natural disasters in the 1990s as in the 1960s, while disaster costs increased more than nine-fold in the same period. The deaths from natural disasters have increased from 53,000 in 1990 to 83,000 in 2003.

Therefore for the intelligent, the reality of karma is not difficult to see. We can never break the law; we can only break ourselves against the law. A stubborn fool who jumps from the top of a hundred-story building can imagine that there is no law of gravity – but only till he hits the ground. Similarly we can go on with our godless sinful ways, imagining that there are no karmic laws – but only till the karmic reactions hit us as tsunamis or terrorism or wars or ecological disasters or in some other way.


So if we actually want to minimize the casualties due to natural calamities, better detection techniques will not be of much help. Even if we detect a calamity in time and save ourselves from it, our karma will still detect us and give us our due suffering in some other way. Unlike our penal system, karma is a flawless system of justice. By science or some other material means, we may change when, where and how our karmic reactions come upon us, but we will never be able to escape them. Therefore if we want to be saved from suffering, we have to scrupulously avoid bad karma ourselves by giving up all illicit sex and meat eating, which are the root causes of abortion and animal slaughter. Further we can protect ourselves from our past misdeeds by re-harmonizing ourselves with God. This can be very easily and effectively done by adopting the non-sectarian, universal meditation on the holy names of God, especially the maha-mantra Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. When a criminal becomes law-abiding, the severity of punishment is often reduced. This principle is all the more true in cosmic justice, for God is our benevolent Father. Then even in this life and in this world, by harmonizing with God we can be much more peaceful and joyful than by defying God.

And if we wish to truly help our fellow citizens on this planet, humanitarian aid will not be enough. We have to offer spiritual aid by giving the enlightenment and empowerment that comes from God consciousness. That alone will equip them to protect themselves from both bad karma and its reactions.


Of course even if we live in harmony with God, this world will still remain a place of death. Many of us may have been shocked to see the ghastly sights of so many dead bodies in the aftermath of the tsunami. But statistics tell us that the daily deaths in the whole world are 147945, which exceeds the total tsunami toll till date. If death is so rampant and universal in the world, why are we so shocked by it? Because we have specialized in hiding and forgetting the reality of death when it takes its toll gradually through “normal” ways. But when death takes a sudden and massive toll, our delusions are exposed - at least temporarily.  

The Vedic scriptures urge us to not dream in vain for a happy life in this world, where death may overcome us at any moment. None of us wants to die; yet every one of us will be forced to die. This existential incompatibility indicates that we belong, not to this world of death, but to a world of eternal life. The Vedic texts explain that we are not mortal material bodies, but immortal spirit souls. We belong to an eternal spiritual world, the kingdom of God, where we live forever in a joyous harmony with God as His beloved children. When we rebel against God’s authority, we are placed in the material world to experience the imagined joys and the real sorrows of living independent of Him. Equipped with material bodies – human or subhuman, we try to play God, competing and fighting to control and enjoy as much as we can. But no matter how great we become or imagine ourselves to be, nature ultimately crushes our egos through death.

The Vedic texts inform us that, during our troubled journey in this material world, we have gone through millions of lives. Therefore rather than being shocked at seeing so many dead people, we can soberly remember that we have ourselves undergone the trauma of death millions of times. And the same ordeal awaits us again in the not-too-distant future. So the Bhagavad-gita (13.8-12) urges all intelligent persons to recognize the inevitable, inescapable evils of birth, old age, disease and death that haunt all life in this world. The Gita further urges us to re-awaken our dormant spiritual natures by living in devotion to God. Thus we can detach ourselves from material things which will be snatched away at the time of death and attach ourselves to God, with whom we will be eternally united after death. 

The Vedic scriptures therefore assert that the sufferings of this world are not due to God’s malevolence, but due to His benevolence. A fever impels us to take medicine to cure ourselves. The heat of the fire causes us to instantly withdraw our finger and thus save it from being burnt. Similarly the sufferings of this world remind us that our hopes of becoming happy in this world are intrinsically impossible fantasies. The intelligent course of action therefore is to prepare to return back to our home, the spiritual world, where happiness far greater than our greatest fantasies is awaiting us. 

Are we ready to wake up from the dream of safety and enjoyment in this world of danger and death? Or will we sleep on till our dream turns into a nightmare, by when it will be too late to wake up? This is the ultimate question raised by the tsunami disaster, which each one of us will have to individually answer.

The Spiritual Scientist

Investigating Reality from the Higher Dimensional Perspective of Vedic Wisdom
Published by Bhaktivedanta Academy for Culture and Education (BACE), Pune
Dedicated to 
His Divine Grace A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada,
The Greatest Spiritual Scientist of the Modern Times
Magazine Committee:
Radheshyam Das (M Tech IIT, Mumbai), Director, IYF
Chaitanya Charan Das (BE E&TC), Editor, The Spiritual Scientist